I wanted a to have this post up by last week but I had technical issue with FCP and lost some valuable time. But better late than never. So here is my NYFW vlog and what I got up to this season.
Well Fashion Week has officially come and gone. I was out and about for three days and did a lot of street style interviews, as well as attending a number of shows. This look I wore on Day One of NYFW.
What The Girlies (and boys) Are Wearing at PFW Spring Summer 2025. Today I am sharing with you some of the wonderful fashionistas I interviewed this past September outside the Spring Summer 2025 shows.
Hi fashion girlies! In today’s video I am unboxing everything I got at Urban Revivo, and how I was influenced one of my favorite influencers: Karen Britchick. Though I first heard of Urban Revivo from Tamara Kalinic. I got three staples for $156, as they were having a great sale. Such a great deal! So come on let’s do this, let's see what I got!
My annual Vlogmas video where I film through out the season and post it all for you in one video. Join me for Christmas in New York. Where I go shopping on the east end & New York City.
Happy Holidays everyone. I hope you all are having a great December. We are certainly living in trying times but this is the time of year when we can celebrate a little and enjoy everything that comes with the holiday season. And said season kicks off with Black Friday sales so to that end I picked up this leopard print coat from Cider. I got this coat for only $50! It is fairly warm though maybe not for the extreme cold.
As promised is part two of my PFW trip. I share with you more of the shows I went to as well as presentations and events for buyers and editors. I got to see first hand and up close such beautiful clothes with impeccable craftsmanship. Truly inspiring and I felt quite lucky to be a part of it. Next up will be all the wonderful attendees I interview outside the shows.
Hi everyone, today I am sharing with you a look I wore on the last day of Paris Fashion Week for moi. On this day I went to a whole sale presentation which represented a number of brands. The clothing and shoes were absolutely beautiful with wonderful craftsmanship and brilliant designs. For this outfit I chose a simple "editor" look and added color with the tights and shoes.
In part one of my PARIS FASHION WEEK vlog I will take to you the shows, the cafes I dined at and share with you what I wore. My trip started with a mishap as I missed my flight but I didn't let that stop me. I pushed through and had a super busy fashion. Here is part one of my PARIS FASHION WEEK adventures.
Yes it is that time of year again. Fashion Month has just wrapped. Of course I am sharing Fashion Week with you in my home town. Hope you enjoy and next up will be Paris Fashion week!
Here are a few snaps from Fashion Week SS 2025. My photo friend Martin snapped these outside Spring Studios. Posing here again with the fashionably fabulous Miki of Mikialamode, and Eliza an up and coming content creator. I wore this fun leopard print shirt that ...